Easter Egg Hunt

Because practice habits around here have been . . . ahem. . . a bit out of sorts, I told The Banana and Mr. TOF that we would have the Easter Egg hunt after they finished all their practicing. Mr. TOF made an artistic sign and taped it to the door while I was out for a walk. The sign depicted how Jesus would be sad about my parenting choices. But I am a stubborn parent and stuck to my plan.

Needless to say they realized I was serious when the sun set, and then practicing commenced. We held the Easter egg hunt at 10:30 p.m. Obviously Peanut Maximus did not participate because he was busy sleeping.

It was nothing but hilarious! Dr. Peds grouched about having to go outside in the deep snow to hide eggs in the dark by flashlight, and then it took the kidlets quite a long time to find the 42 eggs. They actually missed a couple, I think. I’m sure we will find them when the snow melts.

The Banana got the most coupons, and also the annual Vaseline egg. That vaseline is getting old.

She also got the dental floss for the second year in a row.

Mr. TOF was gifted a swimmer’s nose plug. He gave it back to me.

This year my favorite egg prize was the pediatric nose frieda that I stuck into a giant egg! When The Banana realized that Dr. Peds actually uses the nose frieda to suck out snot from Peanut Maximus’ nose, she may have commenced into a fit of gagging. It was very humorous to me! After all, how could you live in the house of a pediatrician without having a nose frieda at your disposal? We actually have three, I think.

Because there were only 2 egg searchers, trading coupons from the eggs didn’t take long, and somehow The Banana ended up with almost all the coupons and Mr. TOF ended up with almost all the eggs with spare change. We were really missing those grown up kidlets, but I did end up laughing so hard that my stomach ached and tears streamed down my face.

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