2024 Sunday Night at the Beach: Edition 7

We hiked into a remote spot near the rocky beach. The hike was wet and buggy, and I didn’t remember it being quite as far as it was (although it wasn’t really that far), which got a little interesting with Peanut Maximus, but we made it! He walked part of the way, and Sarah mostly carried him part of the way to get through the bugs faster, although I did help with some tricky muddy places.

Cousin Katherine and Mr. TOF did some swimming a bit farther down the beach, and then came to join us for a little more swimming and some rock hunting. Of course, there was ample rock throwing as well!

YaYa is not pictured, but she was definitely there, chasing after Peanut Maximus and allowing me to be a lazy mother. Peanut Maximus has made a habit of boulder scaling, which gets a little wild sometimes.

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