Mess of the Week: The Desitin Edition

Thursday was a rough day.  The Banana did not want to leave the assisted living center where we have music class and threw a fit about getting in the car.  Then she threw a fit about getting out of the car at Mr. Sneaky Pants' preschool.  Mr. Sneaky Pants threw a fit when he walked out of his classroom because my husband dropped him off at preschool, and he thought my husband would be picking him up from preschool, but really the deal was that I was scheduled to pick him up all along.  Both of my lovely youngest children SCREAMED the entire drive home.  

Desperate, I plunked them down in front of Signing Time on the computer while I hastily prepared a quick lunch.  Because it was my teaching day, and I teach homeschooled students while the youngest kidlets are napping, as soon as they were done eating I tucked them in their beds, ran around like a madwoman cleaning my house, and welcomed my students.  Usually this all works out well, but Mr. Sneaky Pants came downstairs looking for his golden sword when he was supposed to be sleeping, and tried to play with one of the students waiting in another part of the house.  I had to stop teaching, and lock him in his room with two childproof gates.  However, he managed to unlatch one of the gates, trek over to the office, grab an orange marker and do some decorating in his room.  I discovered this after I was done teaching, and he had to have a prolonged rest period which caused him to eventually actually fall asleep at about 3:30.

The clincher, though, was when I heard The Banana crying in her room at the end of the second lesson.  When the student had finished and was waiting for her mom to come and pick her up, I went upstairs and opened the door to The Banana's room.  There she was, right in front of the door, with a tube of Desitin in her hand and evidence smeared all over her face.  



Apparently she had woken prematurely.  Where she even got the Desitn from I don't know.  We haven't even used any for nearly a year, since we switched to cloth diapers.  

By the time I was done with a lengthy afternoon and evening of teaching, I was very tired.  I hadn't slept well at all the night before because Dr. Peds was on call and my children kept trying to crawl in bed with me, and I had difficulty falling asleep in the first place.  Mr. Sneaky Pants, however, was not tired AT ALL.  He was in his bed, reading books, chatting away, happy, happy, happy.  I crawled in his bed next to him and offered to read some picture books with him.  He asked if we could read twelve.  Because I am a pushover about reading, I said sure.  After book number twelve I was so sleepy!  I just snuggled right down on his pillow and he bounced around next to me.  I was deep asleep within minutes, and Mr. Sneaky Pants was chatting away, reading books out loud to his stuffed animals.  Dr. Peds captured a pretty funny video clip of the situation.  

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