The Flu That Came with the Cooped Up Bugs

It seems the stomach flu likes to find our house just in time for Thanksgiving.  I have spent several Thanksgiving holidays with some of the most miserable cases of stomach flu I’ve ever experienced since I’ve been married.  It’s looking a little precarious again this year.

Mr. SP was the first victim, last Wednesday night.  Dr. Peds cooked up some pancakes for supper before AWANA, and when Mr. SP (who usually wants to eat about 12 pancakes) said, “I really don’t think I would like any.  Can I go have a nap?” we knew something was up.  Sure enough, an hour later he had thrown up an enormous puddle of vomit in his bed. I cleaned everything up and he slept like a rock all night.

The next morning:

Me:  How are you feeling?

Mr. SP:  I just have no idea how these germs found me.  I didn’t invite them over, you know.

Me:  Well, sometimes they just latch onto a person.

Mr. SP:  Yeah, I know they are probably crawling all around on the floor in my room, so even though I couldn’t actually see those spiky little things, I stuck my tongue out big at them this morning.

Mr. SP is fast about recouperating from the flu, so after keeping that crazy boy home all morning, Dr. Peds declared him well enough to go back to school on Thursday at noon.

On Friday afternoon Dr. Peds drove down to Minneapolis to fly to Chicago for a conference.  He called from the airport to check in and mentioned he had a headache.  Then he called again from Chicago to say that his head was really feeling awful.  I talked to him again before midnight, and he was sick, and the next morning he called me and said he had been up all night throwing up.  He ended up missing most of the conference and staying in his hotel room until he flew back this morning.

Last night YaYa got a headache, and this morning she was looking sufficiently under the weather  to warrant me to declare we were staying home from church, even though that meant a lot of rearranging on my part.  I really didn’t want to have to deal with anyone throwing up at church.  With a little help from some medicine, she’s feeling better right now.  Who will be next?  That is the question?  And where will the vomit land?  It’s always such a mystery with small people around who can’t exactly tell you that they are about to loose their cookies.


  • Gramma Robbie

    Man you guys really do fight that bug this time of year, maybe its good that you are staying put for Thanksgiving, you never know who could get it on the trip. Sure do wish I could see all of you right now, really missing everybody.

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