First Sled Ride of the Season

We have just enough snow to cover the ground white.  The Banana was the most excited about it, and she convinced Mr. SP to go out and play in it with her.  Of course Mr. Trouble on Feet wanted to be included too, so out we went.

I have wanted one of these wonderful wooden sleds to pull kidlets around the yard and through the forest ever since I saw a picture in the L.L. Bean catalog when YaYa was a baby.  I loved every inch of the sled, but they are not reasonably priced, even by other places that sell the sleds.  So  I refrained.  When Kidlet 2 came along, the sleds were still expensive, and I refrained.  When Kidlet 3 was a toddler I found I could actually afford the sled, BUT I felt guilty about purchasing it because it was still expensive, and it seemed ridiculous to purchase something that expensive for a third child, when Kidlets 1 and 2 wouldn’t really be using it very much. So I refrained.  When Kidlet 4 was born, I looked at the sled in the catalog with longing, knowing that this was probably my LAST chance!  Then I realized that it was even more ridiculous to buy the sled for a rapidly growing fourth child, when everyone else did just fine without it.  I quickly put the catalog in the recycling.

And then!  THEN!  Lo and behold, I was garage sale shopping last May and I happened to stop at a garage sale I hadn’t even planned on stopping at.  The garage sale was at a house we had thought about buying when we moved here but ended up getting our own house instead.  I decided it might be fun to go to a garage sale there, so I walked up the driveway, and there was the wooden sled!  And even though sledding was the last thing I wanted to think about in May, with it’s promise of green grass and dandelions, I snatched that sled, priced at a third of it’s value (still expensive in comparision to garage sale prices . . . but there was no stopping me at that point!) and brought it home.

I was excited to have Mr. Trouble on Two Feet try it out when the snow started falling, and he loved it!  The Banana had a wonderful time pulling him all around, and she even climbed in with him for a bit while I lugged them behind me in circles around the front trees.  Happy Winter to us!

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