Thanksgiving Birthday: Mr. SP is Seven

Mr. SP was very skeptical about sharing a birthday with the Thanksgiving holiday, but in the end, it worked out fine to share his special day with our low-key Thanksgiving celebration.  The morning started out with his sisters jumping into bed with him and goofing around, and then bit by bit, they all ended up next to my bed, heavily breathing on me,  demanding I get up or they would gas me out with their bad breath.  I gazed at my adorable, stinky offspring in wonder, and then decided that I might as well just get out of bed.

The request for breakfast in the bathtub was instant oatmeal:  maple and brown sugar.  We seldom purchase instant oatmeal anymore . . . it’s just way cheaper and healthier to make a gigantic pot of steel cut oats for everyone and save  the leftovers for the next day.  Mr. SP loves instant oatmeal, so I mixed up bowls for everyone, but thought better of handing Mr. Trouble on Feet a bowl in the bathtub (I think YaYa might have ended up wearing the oatmeal on her pajamas) so he had milk and a banana in the bathtub and a bit of oatmeal later in his high chair when presents were being torn open with gusto.  

There were lots of wonderful presents to open:  Legos, books, ninja nesting dolls, chocolate lego mini-figure molded treats made by The Banana yesterday, coupons for special time with me, some special wooden castle blocks spotted by Mr. SP in a store the other day that are similar to some handmade castle blocks I’ve been itching to get for years and a lot cheaper, and all sorts of great surprises.  Mr. SP had a really, really good time opening them up.

Hours were spent up in his bedroom putting together Lego sets with YaYa.  Occasionally he’d come down with his new Spiderwick Chronicles Observation Notebook.  As soon as I spotted that book, I knew it would be perfect for my magical loving kidlet.  The book is all about spotting your own fairies, goblins, sprites, dragons and other magical creatures in your neighborhood, and recording your observations in your notebook.  His pencil was busy all day, and he spent quite a bit of time in the afternoon searching for brownies and hobgoblins in the yard.  I loved that he was so enthused about the book and so busy writing things down all afternoon.

We had a midafternoon Thanksgiving meal, and then went on a walk to the cemetery to visit the ducks and geese.  Mr. SP spent most of his time at the drained pond slipping and sliding on the ice sheets and trying to throw snowballs at Dr. Peds.  There were a few tears and a bit of trauma when a snowball was retaliated and landed on Mr. SP’s face with a large thud.

After a bit more Lego building, it was time for some birthday cake (chocolate from a box with a LOT of chocolate frosting from a can . . . in a square pan, because that’s what he requested) followed by a quick exit for everyone except the baby and I.  They zipped off to the movie theater to catch the muppet movie, which was a bit hit.  I did the dishes.

One Comment

  • Grandma Gin

    I really like your shirt Mr. SP and Happy Birthday. We still do not have snow here. Today I it was 51 degrees. Sounds like you had a great day. Was the Muppet movie good. I want to see it also.

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