Visiting the Aquarium

We predicted that Alex would have fun at the aquarium, and it ended up being a great morning outing the day after Christmas.  All the kids bounced around the different exhibits.  We had a great time feeding the fish, which is not something we often do when we visit.  YaYa was very disgusted and disappointed that the walk in bird exhibit was temporarily closed because a new bird was adjusting to its habitat, but the otters were out and playful.  Of course, the water table shaped like the Great Lakes was a predictable hit with the little boys, who truly looked like they had gone for a swim by the time they were done driving their boats through the locks.  But we are smart parents, who packed extra dry clothes because we knew that would be the case.  The Banana was dressed in a “matching outfit” that was uncannily similar to the onesie and tutu with stripy leggings that Baby Katherine wore so well.

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