YaYa Sings At Church
This is just a quick snapshot that I very sneakily took in church yesterday morning before YaYa sang by herself. The children’s choir had their Christmas Program and sang at both worship services. Sarah sang a solo in one of the songs. She did beautifully. She learned the whole thing all by herself. She never sings in front of me, so when she told me about it a week or so ago and asked me to just make sure she was singing it right, I was pretty surprised to hear her sweet little voice. Although The Banana is always bouncing around and singing, and I even occasionally (although not very often) hear Mr. SP sing a silly song he learned at preschool, I hardly ever get to hear YaYa sing. It was a treat.
Grandma Gin
I bet Sarah sang beautiful.
Sophie Linde
I wish I had known she was singing! I’m glad she did well!
Oh, I sure wish this old Gramma could have been there. I am so proud of her. I remember the first time you sang it chruch. It could almost bring tears to my eyes how proud I was of you, as I would be of Sarah.
Gramma Robbie