My Amazing and Kind Mother-in-law

I have the most magnificent, flexible mother-in-law who is filled to the brim with a low-key sense of humor.  One evening during her extended stay (which she was so very calm and relaxed about in the first place)  Dr. Peds brought home a piece of chicken to eat from the store, a piece of chicken that had to have been soaked, stuffed and coated with onions and garlic.  It was seriously one of the most stinky pieces of meat I’ve experienced.  I was cooking a normal, scent free supper for the rest of us, and after about five seconds of that piece of meat coming out of its box, I was dry heaving in the kitchen.  Graciously, my laughing mother-in-law and husband offered to go outside and eat it on the deck before I actually had a vomiting emergency.

They would like you to believe that I forced them outside, but readers, that is simply NOT the truth.  It was completely voluntary.

They enjoyed their chicken very much.  I’m happy for them. And happy I had a strong scented candle around to diffuse the aroma lingering indoors after the meat and its box left. And I think I will just stick to my regular regimen of plain, ordinary food.  Yes, I’m a fussy eater.  But I’m a happy fussy eater.

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