About that Toddler in Residence

He might not talk much, but he’s always paying attention, and he has some very effective ways to get his point across.  It has been fun having Mr. Trouble on Feet with me at music class for the past two months.  Today was our last class until fall, and he turned on his charm full throttle.  For example, at the Friday music class there are a few grandmas who sit in the exact same chairs each week, and have been in those exact same chairs for the past two months, so when they walked in the room today, he escorted them right over to their special chairs, which they thought was truly hilarious.     Plus, he has favorite grandmas at both classes that he loves to pass out instruments to.  And this morning, he was in hug mode, bestowing all sorts of hugs and cuddles to various grandmas.   He knows right where the elevator is in each building and he has our routine down.  He knows exactly what we do next when we get to each music class,  where the room we have class is, and where the bathrooms are.

He is no saint, however.  Every once in awhile he tries to throw an instrument at a grandma or two, which sometimes makes them gasp.  I don’t think he’s being devious . . . I think he expects them to catch the instruments.  However, he is certainly mischievous.  And he does NOT like sharing my lap with The Banana.

After the Friday music class there are always snacks for the kids to encourage them to mingle a bit with the grandmas and grandmas. The snacks are a HUGE deal each week.  Today there was a bag of crackers for each kid and taped to the bag, a sucker and a small chocolate bunny.  I opened the bag of crackers for Mr. Trouble on Feet and I hid the chocolate bunny and sucker, of course.  He ate the crackers with gusto.  And then, when I was busy talking to someone or moving some of my equipment around, he got ahold of someone else’s abandoned, already opened chocolate bunny.  I looked over and there he was with his mouth stuffed to the gills with chocolate.  For the record, I haven’t actually given him chocolate  yet, I don’t think, although he’s probably had a chocolate chip cookie or something like that.  He looks up at me with big excited eyes like, “Wow!  This stuff is REALLY good, Mom!  I’m so glad I got ahold of this while you weren’t looking because you’d never have actually let me eat this!”

You should have seen the sugar rush kick in.  He’s normally a busy little person, but I’m telling you, he was zipping around in high gear for a good hour.  It was remarkable.

These pictures are from several weeks ago, but I finally got them edited today and wanted to share them.  He had so much fun with the snowballs Dr. Peds put on his head.  He loved watching them splat onto the sidewalk.  And of course, puddle stomping is always a hit too.

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