
He used the time I was taking to snap pictures of The Banana and Mr. Trouble on Feet to do a little reading, of course.  Whenever someone isn’t giving him a job to do, he has his nose in a book, my kind of guy.

This year, costumes were easy peasy.  The Banana decided early on that she would be a butterfly and wear the costume that I wore in second grade and then YaYa wore in first grade.  My mom sewed it for me, and it was probably my favorite costume EVER (the fancy dress of Little Bo Peep was a close second, however, as was Big Bird).  I played and played in it after Halloween when I was little, and the costume has been in constant use since my mom mailed it to us when YaYa was in kindergarten.  It’s practically in tatters, it’s so well loved, yet those flowing wings just never seem to loose their appeal!

Mr. Trouble on Feet also decided early on that he wanted to be a bat.  Actually, he planned on being a regular bat at school and a ghost bat for trick or treating, but I forgot to get the face paint to paint his face white.  (Bad mom.)  Plus, I was too lazy to make a white bat costume to look more like a ghost.  (Double bad mom).  Halfway through trick or treating he had turned himself into a Ninja bat, and I was really proud of his flexibility today regarding the missing face paint.  Sometimes I just don’t get it together.

He still doesn’t say all that much (although he’s trying more words all the time) but he does know the name of EVERY SINGLE Sesame Street character, and a surprisingly large portion of his spoken vocabulary refers to Sesame Street characters.  Sesame Street is a very big deal for Mr. Trouble on Feet.  A huge deal.  When The Banana was out shopping with Dr. Peds a few months ago, they ran across a Cookie Monster costume, and you might recall that Cookie Monster is the bees knees in this house.  Even though we have a lot of choices of costumes for two year olds at home, it didn’t take much persuading on the part of The Banana to get Dr. Peds to buy the costume.  They got the biggest size available, but Mr. Trouble on Feet has been in a bit of a growth spurt, and we had to do a bit of squeezing to get him in the fuzzy blue suit.  Sometimes toddlers can be tricky about actually wearing their costumes, but he loved it.

YaYa went as the Statue of Liberty.  I don’t have any pictures because the costume was still under construction until the eleventh hour.  There was quite a bit of drama involved, but in the end she pulled things together and had a great time trick or treating with our neighbors up the hill, other neighbors 2/3 down the street, and her very good friend from school.

Our first trick or treaters at our house were four boys in YaYa’s class from school who made a special point of telling me their names and making sure I told YaYa that they said hi.  Hmmmmmmmmm.

I couldn’t help but do a teensy bit of teasing about that.  She rolled her eyes at me.

Everyone had a wonderful time racing from house to house while we were trick or treating.  Again, I wasn’t sure how Mr. Trouble on Feet would do with the whole concept, but let me tell you, he’s a big fan of this holiday.  Wearing a glowstick bracelet?  He loved it.  Carrying a bag up to each door?  He wasn’t about to let anyone touch that treat bag.  People handing him treats at every door step?  He was thrilled.  He was unfortunately about 50 feet behind the rest of  the crew at all times, but couldn’t understand why we sometimes needed to skip a few houses to catch up with the other kids.  Why wouldn’t we go to every single door?

When we arrived home all the kidlets and YaYa’s friend Emma immediately ran into the cabin room and dumped out all their candy on the floor, and spent the next 30 minutes sorting and bartering back and forth and having the best time.  Mr. Trouble on Feet was thrilled to eat a couple of treats.  I’m pretty sure he thought it was the best night ever.

Here are our pumpkins lit up for the night:

I loved my polka dot work of art!  It had a pretty glow.


  • Grandma Gin

    Great pictures once again. Love the costumes. They all look great. It reminds me that Thomas was a bat once. That I had made for him. Wonder if I still have it? Hmmm. Have to check.

  • Robin

    I am thrilled that you got our boy the cookie monster outfit, he looks so happy. I too think this is one of my favorite holidays. You can tell the kids that Gramma went as a go-go girl from the 70″s. Have to send you a picture of all us old gals. Had lots of fun.

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