The Overly Long Weekend

The weekend started Thursday night, and it ended this morning, Wednesday, when the bus finally picked the kidlets up for school.  To be fair, it was planned that the kidlets did not have school on Friday for end of the quarter and on Monday for Martin Luther King Day.  It was not, perhaps, anticipated that it would be so freezing cold for 3/4 of the weekend that we barely left the house.  And then on Tuesday school was canceled because of subzero weather.  It’s not that I forget about subzero winter weather.  It’s that I forget what it’s like to have kidlets cooped up inside together for long stretches of time.  There were great parts of the weekend, butI think everyone was ready to have some adventures out of the house today.

There were art projects.  There were audiobooks.  There was block building and cookie making.  There was a trip to the symphony for Mr. SP and I on Saturday evening as the cold weather billowed in. There was potty training:  a few accidents but mostly success!  There were books to read silently and out loud, puzzles to complete, and paper snowflakes to cut.  There was bickering.  There was a riveting game of “cat chases string.”  There was tickling and jumping on the trampoline and dancing.  There were piano lessons to teach and movies and chores to complete.  There was laundry, lots of it.  There was trouble and consequences and hugs and snuggles.  There was piano practicing and oboe practicing and a few board games.

And then there was middle of the night throwing up.  It seems that we haven’t managed to evict the stomach flu yet.  It keeps coming back again and again.  The truth be told:  not everyone in the family has even had it yet  . . . the same people just keep getting it over and over, and then sometimes it strikes a new victim.

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