
It’s Wednesday.  Wednesdays are not my favorite days.  While Wednesday mornings are usually calm and peaceful, Wednesday afternoons and evenings easily make up for that and quickly make a person wish that Wednesdays had never even been invented.  First of all, Wednesday afternoons are busy around here, but busyness aside, major things always go wrong on Wednesdays.  If there is nothing major planning to go wrong, lots of minor things get together and have a party, raising havoc on the afternoon and often sending me to bed early (sometimes in tears.)

For example:  Two Wednesdays ago YaYa forgot about her oboe lesson and rode the bus home while I was frantically searching for her and we missed oboe entirely.  Then I went to pick up the CSA box but arrived early and had to  come back later.  When I did come back, I couldn’t park in a sensible place because the alley was partially blocked off, so I had to leave The Banana and Mr. TOF in the car while I ran around the corner to pick up the box.  This is not a big deal, because I was right there, BUT of course they figured out how to set off the car alarm.  Sigh.  Then we couldn’t find the AWANA uniforms, Mr.TOF had a meltdown because he hadn’t napped and there was a surprise thunderstorm that soaked all of Dr. Peds power tools he had left outside while he went to run an errand.

Last Wednesday we made it to oboe and picked up the CSA box without drama, but no one liked supper and I fought (and lost) at least 12 homework battles, not to mention that  random children locked the cat in the garage while looking for footwear.  The cat peed on the cement because he was angry, even though I discovered him not even five minutes later.  The aroma is not good, friends.  Often when something like this happens he pees on the rug because he has a preference for fabric, and then I just wash the rug.  It would seem easy to wash cement, but our cement is old and pitted, and the pee ran under the elliptical machine toward the non working drain.  The elliptical machine is heavy and hard to move and hard to clean under, and it’s just difficult.

So far today a brand new container of dental floss has been unraveled.  That’s the only disaster so far, but it is only 10:00 a.m.  The day is young.

One Comment

  • Kelly from Iowa

    Theres your book….What happens on WEDNESDAYS!!
    love it, thanks so much for sharing so I can easily relate:)

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