All Fancy

On Friday night the neighborhood dads took all of the neighborhood daughters to the annual Father Daughter Ball.  In preparation for this evening throughout the week there was deliberation concerning which dresses to wear.  There was the purchase of new shoes and tights.  It was decided that our neighbors half way down the street would come over to our house a little early on the evening of the ball so that the girls could get ready together and I could help with some hair styles.  Not that I am up on hair styles.  In any way, shape or form.  Thankfully, my clientele was not fussy.  At all.  We did curls and princess braids and things of that sort.

The Banana was showered and ready to go shortly after arriving home from school.  She might have been a little excited about her night out on the town.

YaYa and Dr. Peds made a quick trip to the retail district after school to purchase dress shoes that fit, and they were back so that YaYa could be dressed before our friends came over.  I was just finishing up putting curls in her hair (which she loudly complained about the whole time the curling iron was in use, but really liked in the end) when our neighbors zipped in the door.  While I braided and curled the excitement just kept building.  Those girls were bouncing off the walls with the prospect of unlimited desserts and a night on the dance floor.  The dads were dashingly dressed in suits.  They may have plans for top hats next year.

After everyone was sufficiently beautified, I lined them up for a quick picture.  Mr. Trouble on Feet was convinced he was also going to the ball, even though he isn’t a father or a daughter. He hopped right in the picture.

Then a menace swept through.  For some reason Dr. Peds spent the next 10 minutes mixing up eggs and milk for French Toast the next morning while the bouncing girls and the volume they were generating continued to escalate into a fervor.


I stalked my firstborn with my camera.  Then there was the routine January bundling of outerwear, a search for Dr. Peds’ dress coat, which we never did find, and they were out the door to the ball.

Mr. SP and I had previously discussed what we wanted to do on our night without girls, and we settled on a trip to Barnes and Nobles.  It worked out great because Mr. TOP had taken a monstrous late afternoon nap, so we headed to the bookstore for supper and browsing.  Mr. SP scarfed down his sandwich and brownie in 10 minutes.  Mr. TOF nibbled at his half sandwich for an hour straight.  I sent Mr. SP over to the children’s section to browse the bookshelves, while Mr. TOF and I discussed all the people in the cafe area of the store at length.  He was quite disturbed by the cafe worker with bright blue hair, and he couldn’t figure out why some people were there without their parents.

We all ended up arriving home at approximately the same time, and it was off to bed for all small people in residence.


One Comment

  • Grandma Gin

    What fun in the Mason household. The girls hair and dresses were beautiul. YaYa I love your hair. It has gotten so long and I like the curls. I like the picture of YaYa and the back of Banana. Did you plan that?

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