Mr. Trouble On Feet and the Pumpkin that Went to Preschool

It’s a fun filled week this week, particularly for Mr. Trouble on Feet, who is all about costumes right now.  He’s so excited about all the places he gets to wear costumes this week that he has hatched a complicated plan of a new costume for each event.  He was a firefighter for the parade at his preschool today.  He was “Super Cubbie” (with a cape, yellow belt and his beloved AWANA vest) at AWANA tonight.  He has a new costume laid out for the Boo Ball fundraiser at preschool tomorrow night, and an elaborate get up planned out for trick or treating Friday night.

In addition, Mr TOF is loving the act of carving pumpkins.  Earlier this month, he and The Banana made special pumpkins to take to church for AWANA on pumpkin night.  (His involved four crosses  because he’s four years old, and the letter “I” carved into the pumpkin).  Today pumpkins were taken to preschool to use as decoration for the Boo Ball tomorrow.  Dr. Peds was in charge of carving the pumpkin with him this morning, because what better morning activity is there than using power tools to carve a pumpkin just after breakfast?  Mr. Trouble on Feet was beside himself with excitement about getting to carve the pumpkin and take it to school, AND wear a costume all in one morning.

When he woke up, we asked him, “What would you like to carve on your pumpkin?”

“Hot peppers!”  He jumped up and down.

Uhmmmm.  OK?  Really?  Hot peppers?  Of all the things to carve on a pumpkin?

I don’t know that Mr. TOF has actually ever eaten a hot pepper, but he did get a free hot pepper plant last spring when we dropped something off at The Banana’s school one morning.  It spent the summer in a pot on the deck, and never did actually produce a pepper despite being heavily watered by a boy who was very responsible with that pepper plant.

Still, hot peppers, which we haven’t talked about for weeks and weeks, seem a little random on a pumpkin.

Nevertheless, hot peppers it was.  In the end, it was decided that four hot peppers were needed, because he is, after all, four years old.

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