Fathers Day

After about ten days of being apart (he was at a conference and visiting family in Iowa, and the rest of us were traveling/music camping in North Dakota) we were pretty excited to see this guy and celebrate Fathers Day.

Simply put, he’s an awesome dad.  He helps people work through their emotions and their homework.  He spends as much time as he can doing stuff with kids when he’s not working.  He takes them places, handles all the medical appointments, orders the pizza in our house, and tucks people into bed at night.  He cooks amazing food (even for the resident vegetarian), talks all of us down from whatever ledge we have crept out on this week, and goes shoe shopping, grocery shopping, and girl clothes shopping.  He can reason with the unreasonable and impresses logic on his wife when she has none.  He puts up with a menagerie of musical instruments, and plays endless hours of soccer and baseball with the resident preschooler.  He fixes all the stuff that needs to be fixed, and takes his kids to the movies.  We love him.

On Father’s Day we unpacked suitcases and repacked Mr. SP’s suitcase for Bible Camp.  Dr. Peds made pancakes and took the girls to a special movie at the theater.   We celebrated with neighbors and friends in the evening, and had a great day.  I knew it would be asking too much to get a picture of all four kidlets with their dad at the same time. That simply never ever works.  So instead, my goal was a picture of each kid with their dad at different times throughout the day.   All but one were happy to comply.

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