• More about Moving

    In about a week I’ll be moving! While I am wildly excited about this, I am also feeling wistful and sad. My little white house is so nice and familiar, and throughout the past week it has been difficult to say goodbye to a multitude of hard working music students…

  • Two Houses

    We currently own two houses. Hopefully this is a short-lived experience and the one I am typing in right now sells QUICK! On Monday we drove to Minnesota to close on our new house. It was a stressful weekend because I was so worried about forgetting something or not having…

  • Confessions

    Last Saturday I had an emergency sneeze out of the blue on the grapes at Walmart. I bought a bag closest to where I sneezed to try to protect the average consumer, however, the sanitary police are probably staking out my house preparing to raid. If you have any good…

  • Easter Morning

    My mom made Ms. Crazy Preschooler and The Banana coordinating Easter dresses. I dressed them and wanted to leave them dressed up all day, they were so adorable (but we didn’t want to get the dresses messy so we took them off before lunch). Mr. Perpetual Mess has been playing…