Two Houses

We currently own two houses. Hopefully this is a short-lived experience and the one I am typing in right now sells QUICK! On Monday we drove to Minnesota to close on our new house. It was a stressful weekend because I was so worried about forgetting something or not having done something right with banking, insurance, etc. so that the closing would go smoothly. It did. We left Mr. Perpetual Mess and Ms. Crazy Preschooler with friends in Wisconsin and brought The Banana with us. She traveled so nicely! What a mellow kid. She took a little snooze while we were signing all the papers, and just really didn’t complain through the whole trip. I think she loved the attention of having both parents to herself! (And it was SO easy to JUST take a baby with us! Wow! No wonder I didn’t feel constantly stressed out and bombarded when I only had one child!)

Since Monday I have been a music teaching and house cleaning machine. I hauled 40 rubbermaid tubs of storage things out of my basement. The basement feels huge all of the sudden. I can’t believe how much room it takes to store kids clothes! Because I haven’t seen the corners of my basement for 3 years, there was a lot of dirt to deal with too. Some people might come and look at our house this weekend even though it’s not going on the market officially until after we move because of my terrible housekeeping skills and the fact that I’m always in my house teaching and can’t just have people touring at a moment’s notice in the middle of a piano lesson.

Anyway, here are a couple of sneak peak pictures of our new house. I didn’t get to take many pictures because we weren’t there very long and the previous owners were still moving a few things out. We drove up and back in one day, signed all the stuff, and Dr. Pediatrician had to go to Verizon to get a cell phone for his new job (which took FOREVER). Yes, family, we are finally at the end of our cell phoneless life. Sob. Sob.


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