• Treasure Boxes

    Gramma Gin and Grandpa Rudy came for a visit.  The kidlets had a great time swimming at with Gramma Gin at the hotel, and playing with their puppies.  But best of all, Gramma Gin brought with these huge boxes of craft supplies, packed with ribbons, and sequins, and stickers and…

  • Spontaneous Trip to Bayfield WI

    We very rarely take spur of the moment trips out of town, but last Tuesday I tucked the youngest kidlets into their naps at 1:00 and suddenly thought of Bayfield.  I am off for a little break from teaching piano lessons before summer lessons start, and Dr. Peds had the…

  • Pretend Play: The Percussion Ensemble Version

    I was cleaning up the kitchen and getting ready to cook supper on Monday night and heard a lot of racket from the living room.  I peeked my head around the corner and discovered that Sarah had organized the kidlets into a percussion ensemble.  They set up the large gathering…

  • Puzzles Galore

    Mr. Sneaky Pants hasn't been a big fan of puzzles.  He is easily frustrated, but lately he's content as a clam to listen to audio books (We've checked out Ingraine the Brave from the library AGAIN) and put together a bunch of puzzles at nap.  

  • A Quick Visit with Old Friends

    We had a great time playing with some of our favorite friends who visited from North Dakota last week.  The visit was very short, but we managed to hike through the forest two different times, visit the stone tower, climb some giant trees, and climb on rocks at the beach…