• Visitors

    Auntie Dot, Uncle Don and Baby Alex came for a super quick visit.  We wish the visit were longer and that they were still here.  We had fun talking, eating brownies and other yummy things, reading, sword fighting, and there was significant baby snuggling for all babies involved.  At one…

  • 2010 Adventures in Soccer: Part One

    Soccer season has begun.  Our first game was tonight.  I wasn’t sure if Mr. Sneaky Pants would choose soccer as one of his summer activities this year after last year’s tumultuous season, but he did.  Sometimes he has a positive attitude about it, and  sometimes he’s quite pessimistic, but it’s…

  • Neighborhood Block Party

    We had a great time at our neighborhood block party last night.  The street was blocked off near our house, and we joined our neighbors for food, conversation, and most exciting for the kidlets:  unlimited bike riding on the street (which is smoother than the sidewalk, although I wouldn’t actually…