Neighborhood Block Party

We had a great time at our neighborhood block party last night.  The street was blocked off near our house, and we joined our neighbors for food, conversation, and most exciting for the kidlets:  unlimited bike riding on the street (which is smoother than the sidewalk, although I wouldn’t actually call our street smooth).  Really, I only took this one picture.  It seems every year that I have intentions of taking lots of pictures at the neighborhood block party, but I only end up taking one or two because I get so busy conversing with people, and making sure my kids on bikes don’t crash into any elderly people, and this year I added a fussy baby to the mix and ended up with one measly picture.

However, I think it’s cute.  The Banana plunked herself down at this table of almost old ladies.  She liked the fancy table cloth, and the fact that they were writing out name tags for everyone who was arriving at the picnic.  She learned to write her whole name this week, so she was pretty entranced with the name tags and markers and the whole process of writing on the stickers.

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