• Random Tidbits Again

    I’ve been absent all week!  To be fair, it was one of the busiest weeks of my year, as a lot of things always culminate to make the middle of December an especially tricky time each year no matter how I try to prepare for it:  Christmas concert preparation, piano…

  • Afterschool Work Detail

    My slave labor force is getting SO GOOD at shoveling sidewalks!  I pretty much just assign their location and they get the job done.  It unfortunately still involves complaining and grumbling on some level, but I don’t have to redo anything on the front sidewalk and steps at all!  …

  • Old. Very Old.

    When my parents came to visit they brought me a gift.  Inside a delicately wrapped box was this ornament, which belonged to my Grandma Edna’s Grandma Caroline.  Grandma Edna gave it to my dad, and my dad gave it to me.  I cannot tell you how excited I am to…

  • After MOPS

    He and I spent the morning at MOPS.  We walked in the door to our house and I unzipped his winter coat and walked to the garage to hang it up.  When I turned around, there was the little brother clad in the big brother’s underwear, and stinking thrilled with…

  • Getting the Christmas Trees: 2012

    We were super duper excited that Grandma Robbie and Grandpa Ron were visiting the weekend of the Christmas Tree Cut.  Although Grandma Robbie was slightly apprehensive of going on a cold adventure, in the end she had a great time.  I knew she would be an excellent hunter of the…

  • Before 7:14 a.m: Out The Door

    My alarm clock starts ringing at 5:00 a.m. every school morning, but I don’t actually realize it’s been ringing until the eighth time I press snooze, at approximately a quarter after six.  This is not a problem, because trust me, NO ONE else in the house hears my alarm going…

  • On the Potty

    We’ve been at this job of potty training for a few days now.  He’s ready.  He’s a willing participant.  He LOVES using the ipad while he’s waiting for something to happen on the potty. We’ve had zero success so far.  By zero success, I mean we’ve had 208 accidents and…

  • Happy Birthday: Mr. Sneaky Pants Turns 8

    The menu for breakfast in the bathtub was supposed to be Swedish Pancakes, but at the last minute Dr. Peds surprised everyone with a box of donuts!  Exciting!  One even had pudding in the middle, which is my favorite kind of donut.  I snatched that one up.  I hadn’t had…

  • Spoiled by the Biggest Sister

    He LOVES it when YaYa is home.  This is because YaYa, who he refers to as “SSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssss” pretty much gives him everything he wants whenever he wants, and is up for playing whatever he wants with him.  When he starts to walk slow, she lets him climb on her back…