• Storing Treasures

    I live in a cluttery mess.  All the time. Sometimes it drives me crazy.  Mostly, I am OK with it, because  it could be so much worse than it is!  The practicality of it, is that a person just cannot keep everything.  There isn’t room to store every glossy catalog…

  • In Costume

    That’s my guy:  dressed in his brother’s fleece dinosaur hat and smitten with his sister’s sunglasses, with blueberries from breakfast smeared all over his face and shirt.  He loves a good costume, this kid.  He wore this for a good half hour.  I tried so hard to get a really…

  • Concerning Breakfast Cereal

    Sometimes, on a busy morning before school, YaYa eats a bowl of dry grape nuts.  No milk.  She turns her nose up at milk on cereal because milk makes things soggy, which I completely agree with and totally understand.  However, I’m a bit surprised that she likes grape nuts.  Grape…

  • Dancing

    She sings and dances everywhere, but this tutu, borrowed for a week from a friend from preschool, has been especially inspiring.  It’s not like we don’t have a lot of tutus around here, but this tutu is not only fluffy, it’s also lacy.  And a delicate pink.

  • Last Saturday in the Back Yard

    First of all, let me start by telling you how the weather was amazing last weekend, so amazing that snow, and we didn’t have a lot to begin with, was melting like crazy.  It was so beautiful that it was simply a shame to be inside, and to have something…

  • Chemistry Night at the Children’s Museum

    We don’t often manage to make it to events at the children’s museum, especially those that happen in the evening, but last Friday was chemistry night, and Dr. Peds was not working.  My amazing chemist husband thought it would be fun to go, and we had a terrific time.  There…

  • In the Yard

    He’s Jeff.  She’s MaryAnne.  Their “job” is to gather ice chunks and smash them up  with the broom to feed their family.  A lot of bashing takes place.  When the broom handle breaks, it is determined that stronger materials are needed, and so they scrounge around and find the wooden…

  • Off to Play

    Sometimes it is just wonderfully convenient that she is now old enough to walk down the street and up the hill alone to go to her friends’ house to play.  She likes the freedom too.

  • Fun

    Although it has mostly melted now, we had some beautiful, powdery snow last weekend, and Mr. Trouble on Feet, who recently learned to sign “snow,” really loved it.  He was thrilled with the afternoon activity of sitting in his sled and having his big brother and sister pull him around…

  • Random Bits Again

    These images were captured last Friday after an afternoon of beautiful snow falling swiftly from the sky.  I snuggled up on the couch with a blanket while the little kidlets were napping.  When the big kidlets came home from school, we started a few projects, and right at golden hour,…