• At Breakfast

    This morning before Grandma Kathy left for North Dakota, we went to breakfast at one of our favorite breakfast restaurants.  Within the time span of five minutes, three glasses of water were spilled.

  • Mr. Trouble on Feet Turns Two!

    Breakfast in the bathtub (muffins!) started out a little bit rough, with some squabbling about who would sit where and when and I’m not sure what else.  The Banana was not happy, even though people offered to make room for her.  Eventually with a bit of persuading she did join…

  • Grief

    A week ago I went down to the clinic for my regular monthly OB checkup.  During a hastily scheduled ultrasound, it became very apparent that our baby had no heartbeat.  The ultrasound looked nothing at all like the two perfect ones I’d had at checkups the two months previous.  Our…

  • Our Next Door Neighbors

    Our next door neighbors are also from North Dakota, which is a terrific thing.  Their youngest child just graduated, and they are on the precipice of becoming empty nesters.  Yesterday afternoon, I looked out my kitchen window and saw the two of them relaxing on their hammock in their gorgeous…

  • Happy Fourth of July!

    Around here, the best part of the Fourth of July is undeniably the kid parade in the middle of the morning, a haphazard, slightly chaotic mass exodus of kids, parents and families up and down our street, cheered on by elderly neighbors in the area who don’t have kids or…

  • Driving

    He was so overjoyed when Dr. Peds opened the door to the front seat and let him climb up into the beloved old red Honda (what a great car!).  There was driving to be done!  And buttons to push and push and push.  Getting back out was not so exciting.…

  • Sixty Seconds with The Banana

    The Banana, my girl who needs to be around people and doing things all the time, is going a bit crazy since there are no kidlets bigger than she to entertain her for large swaths of the day, and no school to break things up.  Even though we’ve done a…

  • Bounce!

    Our neighbors up the hill were having a birthday party today, and they rented this bouncy house for the weekend and invited us up for some pre-party jumping last Friday night.  Unlimited jumping in a bounce house?  Talk about a childhood dream!  It’s too bad I’m pregnant and didn’t really…