• Harvest Run

    On Saturday we loaded up the van with kidlets and headed down to the lakewalk for the Harvest Run, a 5K run that Dr. Peds and YaYa signed up for a few months ago.  Mr. SP was also scheduled for a 1K run (although on race day he was not…

  • Second Grader

    It is most certainly true that this child does not enjoy studying for his spelling test each week, but I’d like to take a moment to mention that his transition into second grade, something that caused him anxiety weeks before school began, has gone exceptionally smoothly.  He’s been relaxed about…

  • Cartwheels in the Sand

    Our resident kindergartener caught the cartwheel bug at school!  She’s my first kidlet with a love of cartwheels, and she turns them every chance she gets in an open space.  I, too, was a cartwheel girl.  I spent swaths of time in elementary school upside down turning carthwheels and trying…

  • After the Apple Festival

    We can’t drive past some of our favorite beaches without stopping at at least one even though it was a bit chilly and windy!  The kidlets requested a bit of time to play in the sand, and of course we obliged.  It was my favorite time of day, and it…

  • At the Apple Festival

    We spent Sunday at the Apple Festival in Bayfield.  I pretty much love everything about Bayfield, and we always enjoy the apple festival, although it is a bit crowded with tons of people.  The kidlets and Dr. Peds tried many different kinds of carmel apples and other apple treats.  I…

  • A Morning in the Forest

    The look on the right image is exactly the look he gives me when he’s saying, “Mom!”  Meaning “Mom, get it together and do what I’m asking even though you can’t quite understand what it is I want or you don’t think it’s a good idea.”  In this case, it…

  • Hiking at Gooseberry

    Now that I’ve finally calmed down a bit regarding the issue of loosing my toddler a week ago Wednesday and people calling the police (which incidentally resulted in a surprise visit from Child Protection Services earlier this week to investigate our family and which placed me in a very bad…

  • Miscellaneous Leaves

    I’m so sad that the upcoming stormy weather will be causing all these amazing leaves to flutter down to the ground and get crunchy, but I have been enjoying all the amazing colors as much as I possibly can.  I love autumn.

  • Random

    I had a bad week last week, but I am convinced that this week is going to be better! I’ve been out and about enjoying the amazing fall colors and trees and leaves as much as possible, and will have some images and stories to share about that soon.  It…