Harvest Run

On Saturday we loaded up the van with kidlets and headed down to the lakewalk for the Harvest Run, a 5K run that Dr. Peds and YaYa signed up for a few months ago.  Mr. SP was also scheduled for a 1K run (although on race day he was not very excited about getting up in the morning and running).  The Harvest Run is especially unique because the runners (and their families) are welcome to board the scenic train at the finish line and ride to the starting line, where the runners disembark from the train and run back to the finish.  We lazy spectators ride the nearly empty train back and get to see them again at the finish line.

We sat in an antique car that we guessed was probably from the 1930’s.  It had a high ceiling and wood trim and wonderful old fashioned seats.  I wanted to take lots of pictures of it, but that just wasn’t happening because Mr. Trouble on Feet was having a high maintenance morning.  These pictures above are from the trip back, when the train car was nearly empty.  We haven’t ever ridden the train before, so it was exciting.  Each of the cars seemed to be from a different decade.  I loved our car.

Even though they barely got to practice and train for the race, Dr. Peds and YaYa had a very good run.  They barely walked at all, and finished with a terrific time.  The Banana, Mr. SP and I had a contest to see who could guess the closest to their time, and we all greatly overestimated the time it took them.  The Banana had the most faith in them, and came out the closest.

Somehow Mr. SP ended up running with the 9-10 year olds, and then he ended up with a side ache.  He looks cheery right here because he could see the finish line.

It was a fun morning, but a long, kind of overstimulating morning too, because sometimes taking a toddler to big kid events kind of wears a person out.  After we came home I treated myself to a gigantic afternoon nap.  I’m sure we will participate next year as well.  Next year The Banana will also run the 1K and Mr. Trouble on Feet will be big enough to participate in the Tiny Trike Triathalon, where kids run, jump on a big wheel and ride a short distance, and then crawl through a tunnel.

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