• Wave Watching

    The blizzard with the very strong east wind was supposed to start in the middle of the night, but when I woke up this morning, the snow had not started.  I was very excited, because I had checked the night before to see what the projected wave height on the…

  • Just Hanging Out Together

    These two: they are something else for so many reasons.  They squabble.  They pest.  They drive each other (and me) completely crazy.  And when they decide to get along, they are just downright dangerous.  They also occasionally manage to have a really good time with one another.

  • At the Children’s Museum

    Mr. Trouble on Feet loves going to the children’s museum.  We haven’t gone often over the past few months, and that clearly has been a mistake, because it is quite possibly his favorite place in the city.  He loves digging in the dinosaur bone pit.  He loves dressing up.  He…

  • AWANA Grand Prix

    In preparation for the AWANA grand prix, Dr. Peds spent a lot of time in the basement with his tool collection.  In true Mason fashion, this year each kidlet chose something that wasn’t actually a car for their racing vehicle.  The Banana drew up plans for a ballet shoe.  Mr.…

  • Crazy Hair Night At AWANA

    Earlier in the year there was a crazy hair day at school, but no one in this family wished to participate.  However, when we remembered it was crazy hair night at AWANA, ten minutes before departure time, they were ALL over it.  YaYa had crazy hair of her own making…

  • Tire Swing

    Strangely enough the tire swing at our closet park is not actually made of a real tire.  Instead it’s molded hard plastic.  While so unauthentic in construction, it definitely does not ever seem to stop them from having some authentic fun.

  • Snowball Fight

    On Saturday evening the weather was beautiful, and we called up our neighbors at the top of the hill to see if they wanted to go for a little neighborhood walk.  They did, and so the fast walkers set off in the direction of our neighborhood park, and the slow…

  • Bad Egg

      Guess who got the Vaseline egg AGAIN?  To make things even funnier, it was the very first egg she opened. Late in the day on Easter Sunday we held the big kid egg hunt   Mr. TOF was still napping, and that’s OK because he doesn’t really understand the…

  • Pesky Boy

    Warning:  This story is just a little bit horrible, but a little bit funny too. Disclaimer:  I wasn’t present for any of the plot, so what I am writing is my secondhand understanding of what was told to me while I was cooking scrambled eggs for supper tonight. From what…

  • Easter Morning

    Easter is one of my very favorite holidays, along with Thanksgiving.  Often we travel back to North Dakota for Easter when it aligns with one of our big breaks from school, but this year it did not, so we stayed put.  Because I love Easter music and especially Easter hymns,…