Pesky Boy

Warning:  This story is just a little bit horrible, but a little bit funny too.

Disclaimer:  I wasn’t present for any of the plot, so what I am writing is my secondhand understanding of what was told to me while I was cooking scrambled eggs for supper tonight.

From what I understand, there is a little girl in Mr. SP’s class who previously had head lice.  The head lice has long been gone, but another little girl, who is a germophobe, is terrified that she will contract head lice from being near the first girl, and as you can imagine in a second grade classroom, there are hard feelings, little girl cliques,  and fussiness and problems in general that are running rampant.  This morning in Mr. SP’s second grade classroom,  there was a “long talk” about head lice and how it is transmitted and how you can be nice to people who may have had it.  The germophobe girl was nearly hysterical, from what I can gather.  She was absolutely terrified of catching lice and quite vocal about it.

So, my boy, my mischevious boy who has a good heart deep down but loves to create a bit of a ruckus and then watch what happens (he loves a ruckus as long as he’s not the victim, you see) thinks of a “terrific April fools joke.”  He walks up to the hysterical germophobe and says, “Hi!  I have head lice!”  She runs away crying and stays away from him for the rest of the day.  I can’t say I blame her.  It would be easy to imagine a lot of crazy stuff in that crazy hair on his head.  (We don’t have head lice, by the way).

Mr. SP giggles to himself for quite some time, and then decides to try out the prank again.  This time he walks up to a boy and says, “Hi!  I have head lice!”  The boy drops what he’s carrying and screams.  Mr. SP says, “April Fools!”

He’s still smirking about it.

That crazy boy of mine!  Who else does things like this?  Running around telling people he has head lice?  I believe I may be in for a bit of craziness on April Fools Day as this boy grows smarter each year.  I happen to be quite gullible when it comes to April Fools Day.  He just hasn’t figured that out yet.

Cat Pee on Sunday.  Fictional head lice on Monday.  I can’t wait to see what Tuesday brings.



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