• Spring Break

    OK, so I may have had to pay him a dollar to cooperate for a few pictures that didn’t include a crazy face or sticking out his tongue.  I think it was worth it. This morning the kidlets are back in school after a week of being home for spring…

  • Practicing Bikes

    Mr. Trouble on Feet has been waiting all winter to ride his bicycle again.  In fact, he would be quick to tell you that he has three bikes, because he’s three.  One is a red trike.  One is his blue balance bike.  The third is his big black pedal bike…

  • Inside the Treehouse

    The weather is beautiful this week, and we have no school because it is our spring break.  The snowbanks are shrinking and there are puddles galore.   The kidlets have been outside a lot, which is wonderful.  I love forty degrees.  Love it!  It is especially beautiful after a winter…

  • Eating Out

    It was a good night for pizza.  Dr. Peds suggested that we go to Pizza Hut, because we don’t think we’ve ever taken our kids there.  In fact, we couldn’t actually remember going to Pizza Hut together ever, even though we both have vivid memories of frequenting Pizza Hut very…

  • Family Walk

    Tis the season of puddles!  The temperature has climbed above freezing these past few days, which means the galoshes are out in full force, and Mr. Trouble on Feet’s favorite pastime is shoveling slush and going on puddle walks.  Unlike his older siblings, Mr. Trouble on feet does not take…

  • Relax

    These two continue to adore one another.  It’s fortunate when a family of readers has a cat that takes note of the fact that someone is lounging around with a book and immediately joins that person, purring loudly.  Really, there are few things more comforting than snuggling with a cat…

  • Gurgle

    He was drinking from a straw the other day, and when he had slurped almost all the way to the bottom of his glass, the liquid started to gurgle.  “My straw is burping!”  he declared with excitement.   A burping straw can fascinate a young boy for a long time.

  • Documenting the Snow from Last Week

    Care to swing?  Good luck.  This is our deck.  The dip in the middle is where Uncle Don shoveled a path to the fire pit at Christmas.   The snow in our backyard is almost as high as the car. I’m just taking a moment to document the snow in our…