• Pink Bag

    When I was nine years old I sewed this bag for a 4-H project.  I distinctly remember picking out this towel in Kmart with my mom specifically for the project.  We were in Bismarck for my orthodontist appointment, and we bought the towel in the linen department at Kmart before…

  • Tuning the Harp

    Here’s something remarkable about the harp:  the instrument never really sounds bad!  Even a beginner harpist sounds tranquil and peaceful.  Watching The Banana at her harp lesson and when she practices at home convinces me that the harp is a bit complicated to play:  there’s so much coordination and the…

  • Monopoly

      We had a snow day last week, and near the end of the day, right when I was actually planning on everyone getting a lot of things done, like reading practice and viola practice, violin practice, piano practice, spelling practice, etc., Dr. Peds decided to introduce them to Monopoly.…

  • Observation

    The Devious Snail: (while rubbing my shoulders) All work and no play turns you into what you are today. Me:  And what is that? The Devious Snail:  (said incredulously) A parent.

  • History Day at the Middle School

    Today is History Day at the middle school.  What this means is that for days on end, my middle schoolers have been spending almost all their spare time working on the laptop and the computer in my office finishing up research, locating images and quotes, and writing the student composed…

  • Learned in January

    Subzero cold snaps do amazing things for music students.  We had three days in the middle of this week without school.  About half of my students were still able to come to their lessons, and probably because they didn’t have a lot to do since everyone was mostly stuck inside…

  • At the Beach

    These images are from a few weeks ago.  I didn’t get around to sharing them right away because it was a little crazy around here. Mr. Trouble on Feet and I both really love this particular winter hat.  

  • Relaxing

    After arriving home from Chicago, I was all set for a super productive week.  I haven’t seen my students for a bit, and I was ready to jump into teaching and catching up on a huge pile of computer work (is it still a pile if it’s a digital pile?…

  • A Short Trip to Chicago

    Mr. Trouble on Feet travelled to Chicago with me to take our host daughter back to meet her chaperone and group at the airport so she could travel back to Eastern Europe.  He has been saving up Christmas and birthday money, along with every other scrap of money he’s encountered…

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