Friday Sunset: 4:41 p.m.
Some Things I learned in November
At the cello I have been working on chromaticism. It’s so tricky. It was standard practice to soak clothing in urine as part of the process of doing laundry during Roman times. In fact, urine was so sought after and valuable that special cisterns were placed around cities on the…
Watching Thankful Videos
On Thanksgiving all of the cousins shared videos of what they were thankful for on a group text. Well, maybe more accurately, all of the parents of the cousins shared videos of what the cousins were thankful for on a group text. Each video was a lovely representation of the…
The Devious Snail Celebrates
The Devious Snail requested bagels for breakfast in the bathtub, calzones for lunch, and special ribs cooked by Dr. Peds, who luckily had the day off, for supper. The cake was a white cake topped with lemon buttercream frosting. The siblings ate breakfast in the bathtub and at the dining…
Thanksgiving Pudding
Whatever would I do if I didn’t live in a northern climate where I could chill the Thanksgiving raspberry rice pudding in the snowbank on the back porch? The chilling process is every bit as much of a tradition as eating the rice pudding. As The Banana noted, “Why do…
Beaver Pond
Our visit to the beaver pond to investigate what those busy little creatures have been up to as they prepare for winter led us to learn a lot more about fascinating beavers. What beavers can accomplish in just a few weeks is truly amazing. One of my favorite forest walks…
Cat Roller Coaster
Saturday afternoon entertainment involved making a roller coaster for the cat using a laundry basket while I was folding my laundry. The cat was feeling surprisingly sanguine throughout the whole ordeal, and when they finally decided to set the basket back down, he just recurled himself into a different shaped…
Some Things I’ve Been Loving
The super cheap plastic colander that we got at a thrift store after we got married disintegrated, and I mentioned to Dr. Peds that I might like a metal colander to replace it. He picked out this one, and I love it. I always love cooking noodles, but this makes…
Scenes from Forest Fridays
Although this whole last week was a gift of amazingly warm, sunny like weather, the two previous Fridays were more chilly and incorporated snow and ice. We still found lots of interesting and beautiful things on our Friday adventure to the forest. A bonus: we saw a pileated woodpecker up…
I was just (accidentally) documenting what happens when I interrupt him from a zoom meeting for the third time that day to accuse him of eating my red pears.