Ho Hum.
He is passcoded out of every possible electronic device in the house, but that does not stop him from an undeniable attraction to a screen that lights up. If he sees one he’ll happily sit down and just touch the screen in every way possible until the device has been…
Youth Symphony Side by Side
Between school, youth symphony and Lake Superior Youth Chorus, The Banana and Mr. TOF had seven concerts and two rehearsals in the time span from 3:00 Friday to 8:30 p.m. on Sunday. It was nuts! (The Banana was actually leaving concerts before they were over to participate in other concerts!)…
The December schedule in this family makes me feel like this alligator. Full stop.
Thanksgiving: Wrapping Paper Factory
The Devious Snail rode the bus home from college for Thanksgiving, and Aumnee came over to spend the day with us too. Dr. Peds was working, so it was just a low key day of kidlets hanging out while I cooked Thanksgiving food. We feasted for supper so that Dr.…