• At the Playground

    I can’t get enough of this wool sweater YaYa found at a thrift store for him. It even has a pointy hood! Also, randomly I saved a bunch of Mr. TOF’s fleece winter hats from his preschool years, and it has been so much fun to pull them out for…

  • Five Minute Project: Smash

    I came back from a photography session and Mr. TOF asked to smash a tiny pumpkin that had been sitting on the front porch. It exploded into itty bitty pieces, which he then proceeded to throw near me at tremendous velocity. Apparently pitchers can really launch pumpkin pieces. He was…

  • Sectional Swim Meet

    On Saturday Dr. Peds came downstairs and spontaneously declared that we should drive to The Cities to see The Banana swim her last 500 race at sectional finals. So we loaded up Peanut Maximus and brought Mr. TOF as well. The long drive down there didn’t seem that long, actually,…

  • Counterweights

    Last week was a heavy week. A burglar in my part of the city was eventually caught after breaking into three homes and assaulting multiple elderly people, but not before throwing everyone into a frantic tizzy. There was a grizzly murder-suicide situation that ended up with five people dying, including…