• A Harry Potter Fan

    A few weeks ago I read the first Harry Potter book to Mr. Trouble on Feet, and then, because I had told all the other kidlets that they could read Harry Potter when they could read the books on their own, I told Mr. TOF that he could silently read…

  • Persuasion

    The Banana had a middle school orchestra concert this last week.  In the car on the way home, she suggested that we stop at the grocery store to get ice cream.  “We need ice cream, Mom, to celebrate that I’m your firstborn third child.” I laughed so hard that I…

  • Baseball

    His first baseball practice outside on the field is tomorrow, and he can’t wait! However, since we are getting a surprise snowstorm, I suspect it might be rescheduled. Nevertheless, this boy is ready!  He’s been out with his glove every day for weeks on end, tossing and catching, tossing and catching.  Baseball…

  • A Stack of Comics

    Grandma Kathy was here for the weekend, and she brought a stack of Sunday comics that she had been saving from her newspaper.  Everyone here loves to read the comics, so there were happy kidlets in the house.  It’s such a fun tradition that she saves them and brings them.…

  • Easter

    On the Eve of Easter I’m usually up late hiding baskets.  I connect a long piece of yarn to each basket, and then weave it about the house, finally attaching it to each kidlet’s bed.  All four colors of yard turn the house into a gigantic web of yarn.  By…

  • Some Things I’m Loving

    I have really been enjoying the fog.  I love fog.  Luckily I live in a place where we get a lot of fog.  It has recently become apparent that all my kids love fog too, so we have been a crowd of fog fans at this house. I love Greek…