Some Things I’m Loving

  • I have really been enjoying the fog.  I love fog.  Luckily I live in a place where we get a lot of fog.  It has recently become apparent that all my kids love fog too, so we have been a crowd of fog fans at this house.
  • I love Greek yogurt, but recently I have discovered Icelandic yogurt, and it is amazing.  It’s so creamy, and not so sweet.  I dislike a really sweet yogurt, and I usually eat plain yogurt because I’m not so crazy about a lot of yogurt flavors.  Icelandic yogurt makes a perfect snack, and the flavors have been just right for me.   I have enjoyed both Siggi’s and Skyr brands.  My favorite flavor so far has been strawberry rhubarb.
  • I recently started using some special pencils I have been hording for 12 years!  They have beautiful designs and wonderful led, and I’m simply loving to write with my horded pencils.
  • In the last week I’ve been blessed to attend THREE amazing music concerts:  the symphony, a local choral concert, and a chamber music concert played by some amazing international artists (cello, clarinet, violin, and piano).  I’ve loved every one.
  • I love seeing Mr. Trouble on Feet delve into Harry Potter with a fervent passion.  His nose has been in a Harry Potter book every day for the last ten days, and it is delightful.  He loves the quidditch matches.  He even built a quidditch stadium out of wooden blocks for his Lego people.
  • We finally repainted our living room, and I’m loving to look at the clean, crisp walls.  They had gotten so disgusting over the years.  Next, my painter husband is going to work up the stairwell, which is even more grotesque.  I’m very much looking forward to things looking nice.
  • I have been enjoying not needing to wear a coat every day, and being able to walk out the door to get in the car and drive away without hats, mittens, boots, and extensive defrosting of the windshield.

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