Reading Week

It’s spring break, and some of us have decided to have a reading week! It’s been gloomy and extremely foggy, perfect reading weather. The Devious Snail has had several trips to the branch library and the little free library on the corner of our yard, and I’m sure he’s made plans for taking the city bus to the main library as well. He reads all the time, of course, but there’s something extra special about not having to go to school for a week and knowing that you can read extra.
I finished reading the first Harry Potter book to Mr. Trouble on Feet yesterday. The fact that I read the book out loud to him was highly contested around here, since for years my stance on Harry Potter (which is very beloved in this house, to the point of ridiculousness, especially by Dr. Peds and the Devious Snail, who have whole chapters practically memorized and can go back and forth for hours with the Harry Potter trivia game and not miss a question) has been that you are ready for Harry Potter when you can read it yourself. However, to accommodate for some dyslexia that is a part of our lives, I decided to read it out loud this time around. I actually hadn’t read it for years and years, so it was fun to read it out loud. Mr. Trouble on Feet loved the story so much, he nearly died when I had to stop reading each day. I did say from the start I would only read book one out loud, the rest would have to be silently read, and the minute we closed the cover on book one, Mr. TOF had book two ready to go. He’s silently read more in the last 48 hours than probably the last three months, because silent reading is sometimes a struggle for him. The book is so exciting though, he just can’t put it down. It’s been fun to see him catch the reading bug.
I was sick the last part of the week so my reading week started a bit earlier than I anticipated, and I’ve been having fun chewing through several different books. I have a whole stack lined up waiting for me. So does The Banana, who also had a great trip to the library this afternoon. I’m still teaching this week, but a lot of my students are vacationing, which means I can sneak reading in here and there, along with some extra practicing.
To round out our reading week, we have terrific plans to visit our favorite local bookstores. We might even take a road trip to some special bookstores not too far away.