• Saturday Afternoon Math Activity

    While Mr. Sneaky Pants and The Banana were napping yesterday, Sarah asked if we could do a math activity together. Luckily for her, I had been carrying this graphing idea around in my head for several days. Her teacher mentioned in a newsletter that she would like families to do…

  • Furry

    Greg got this hat a few weeks ago. It is not only very exotic looking, but very toasty as well. The small people in our abode enjoy trying it on, too. I knew it would make a good picture on someone as soon as I saw him walk through the…

  • Quote of the Day

    In the car on the way to church: Noah: I am so ANGRY about nothing. He’s been so angry about nearly everyone and everything for the last few weeks. Although it gets a bit frustrating at times to hear “I’m so angry about . . . ” spoken in a…