• A New Found Love for Pencils

    The Banana is really into pencils. She carefully searches for writing utensils that her siblings may have left on the floor or within reach, and then locates a scrap or two of paper to draw. (Sometimes if she can’t find the paper she uses the wall, but luckily for me,…

  • In Trouble

    These are the ducks that are drowning in soap suds in our bathtub. While I was downstairs having a wonderful time playing with The Banana this afternoon, the eldest two children were upstairs having a bath. They can mostly do bath time themselves. I usually just check in on occasion…

  • Random Details

    I’ve been an uninspired blogger the past few days . . . I’m blaming it on the February doldrums and a nasty case of a sinus cold. Here are some random details to chronicle the past week: 1. While I was out of commission on the couch, The Banana had…