• First Cereal

    I loved how his eyes were so very wide when I stuffed the first bite of rice cereal in his mouth. This is my fourth child, and I’ve watched a lot of other people take care of their babies and feed them.  I still can’t figure out how to spoon…

  • Bentleyville

    On Tuesday night, near the end of a snow storm, we headed down to Bentleyville, an enormous Christmas light display down near the harbor.  The kidlets and Dr. Peds had gone last year, but I stayed home in my gestating state to take a nap.  This year we met up…

  • Hilarious Cookies

    Our Star Wars appreciating neighbors brought over these gingerbread cookies for Dr. Peds.  I knew he was going to flip when he saw them, and he did!  The cookies were so inspiring that Dr. Peds couldn’t resist flying them around a little bit before they met their doomsday when they…