• Skating on Christmas Day

    We left the little people home with Uncle Don and in the evening the rest of us made a quick trip to an ice skating rink to do a bit of gliding on the ice.  Dot was able to teach YaYa some tricks, and The Banana started to get the…

  • Mess of the Week: The Christmas Edition

    Having lots of little people around means that there are bound to be messes, particularly when two of those little people are very, very busy toddling boys.  There isn’t a picture of all the things spilled at the table, or the dust pans filled with food from under the table…

  • Visiting the Aquarium

    We predicted that Alex would have fun at the aquarium, and it ended up being a great morning outing the day after Christmas.  All the kids bounced around the different exhibits.  We had a great time feeding the fish, which is not something we often do when we visit.  YaYa…

  • Sledding on Christmas Day

    The weather has been ridiculously warm, and every little bit of snow we seem to get melts away.  However, the day before Christmas Eve, we received a light dusting of snow, just enough to make things look white and Christmas-like.  This was a huge blessing, because we actually thought we…