This is Tiger. Many years ago Ya Ya and Mr. Sneaky Pants had an argument about who got to play with Tiger (Actually I think Tiger is a meerkat, but that point was lost on toddlers). Ya Ya gave in, and Tiger has not left the possession of Mr. Sneaky Pants since then. In fact, Tiger quickly entered into the "inner circle" of Mr. Sneaky Pants' cuddly comfort objects, right up there with Bear and Duck. Mr. Sneaky Pants has always had a strong love for stuffed animal friends. Tiger is very well loved. Tiger gets to do all kinds of special projects with Mr. Sneaky Pants. Because Mr. Sneaky Pants likes dressing up in fun costumes, so does Tiger.
For example, on Sunday afternoon I found Tiger downstairs on the activity table wearing this snazzy watch:
And just to make sure he was prepared for any and all dangerous situations, Tiger was wearing not one but TWO grey swords around his middle:
His fur might be a little scuzzy, but he's a whole-hearted, kind little guy. He's so friendly he didn't even protest about having his photograph taken.