Here’s the latest Roman soldier costume. He’s been all about Roman soldiers since last summer when our church did a vacation Bible School week that was centered on culture in Rome and the Apostle Paul. There were teenage boys dressed up like Roman soldiers roaming around the church, and that made a tremendous impact on Mr. Sneaky Pants.
Currently Mr. Sneaky Pants is curled up in his bed with Brutus the Cat, who just loves the way he smells. Mr. Sneaky Pants has a, well, shall we say very unique smell. What a pair, my boy and his cat.
Grandma Gin
Cats are great. Our cat Homer who looked like Brutus was great for Thomas when he was growing up. Sneaky Pants you make the best looking Roman.
When will you give him a Roman name? Octavius? Justus? Ceasar? Maybe he has one picked out already?