Easter Egg Hunt and Other Festivities

My kidlets have latched on to a few Easter Sunday traditions that they love on the years we are here at home for Easter Sunday.  They were highly anticipating the string web that greets them in the morning.  Before I go to bed at night I hide the Easter baskets, tie a different color yard to each basket, and then weave the yard in and out of places all over the house, creating a gigantic yarn web.  This year the web even went outside into the snow storm.  In the morning each kid follows their color of yard through the tangle (literally every part of the house is tangled up in yarn) to locate their basket.  Inside the Easter baskets traditionally are a new swimsuit, some squeeze applesauce, and a few other healthy treats.  Because they are constantly lamenting the fact that I have stopped buying cereal (they eat it at all hours of the day faster than anyone should eat cereal, and leave their dishes lying around the house.  Later on I find curdled milk in the bottom of bowls strewn in every corner, and I get a little frustrated), this year I added a box of healthy cereal next to each basket.  They were very happy about the cereal.

Let me just interject that the yard web gets pretty crazy!  By the time I actually finished I was crawling like a snake through my house just to get to my bed.  I also have to budget about 45 minutes to roll all the yard back into balls in the morning before church.  It’s pretty wild.

We went to church early in the morning.  YaYa volunteered at the nursery, and the rest of us came home.  I made cheesy hashbrowns to take to an Easter lunch gathering with friends from church, and we got some practicing out of the way.  We had a great time at our friends’ house at lunch, and of course there was an Easter egg hunt, which the kids were very excited about.  However, they made it very clear that while they enjoyed that egg hunt, it would be still necessary to have THE EGG HUNT when we got home.  So I filled Easter eggs with nickels, dimes, an occasional dollar bill, and a LOT of coupons, which are really what they get excited about.  Dr. Peds hid the eggs, and they were off!

The Banana got doused by a bunch of snow in the tree when she grabbed that egg.

Oh the anticipation!  Everyone has to wait until all the eggs are found before they can open them.  

Guess who got the Vaseline egg this year!  

Because someone saw that I had put the vaseline in a purple egg, some kidlets were avoiding purple eggs.  I suspected that might be the case, so I looked over on the counter and saw a leftover peanut butter snack ball that (peanut butter, honey, oatmeal, flour, chocolate chips)  and I squished that in one side of the egg.  Mr. SP knew he had gotten some kind of special egg, and he was kind of dreading opening it.  

After the eggs had been cracked, a ten minute coupon trading window opened.  It was an exchange frenzy.  

We hope you had a great Easter weekend.

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