Camping Up the North Shore
Our camping trip up the North Shore was terrific. The weather was perfect, and the scenery amazing, as was expected. Our adventures were filled with:
- hikes to three large waterfalls and along several different rushing rivers and babbling brooks.
- hot dogs and eggs cooked over the fire by Dr. Peds, along with some super yummy potatoes and sweet potatoes at different times.
- an AMAZING lunch eaten at The Crooked Spoon in Grand Marais. It was so, so, sooooooo good. The food was magnificent, AND it was very kid friendly. The kids menu was superb. If you're ever there, make sure you check it out.
- a really fun trip to Grand Portage National Monument. We learned so much that we just didn't have any clue about before visiting. The museum was small but jam packed full of really interesting exhibits, and the living history site was really terrific. We had so much fun asking questions and experiencing things. Mr. SP got to sit in a birch bark canoe just his size, and all three kidlets had fun trying on voyageur clothing, watching artifacts get used.
- much, much shushing and hushing and grumping from the grown up parents in an effort to keep kidlets from disrupting other patrons of the campground.
- much wishing by the grown up parents that their children had SOME sort of volume control. Any kind of volume control at all? Especially when an old lady yelled at "Be Quiet!" in the direction of our tent as darkness was falling one night.
- basking on several different beaches, enjoying the crashing of medium sized waves onto little and big rocks.
- exploring the mouth of the Kadunce River, which was not flowing all that fast, as it entered Lake Superior.
- 1 potty accident far from the tent.
- 4 potty accidents very close by the tent
- 3 very intensive potty accidents right inside the tent (and we were seriously camped only maybe 100 or 200 feet from a full flush bathroom with showers and everything).
- Kidlets who traded bad attitudes and good attitudes back and forth.
- Super duper fun storytelling as we snuggled up in the tent each night before falling asleep.
- Firewood that gave us some trouble, but we conquered it! Or I should say, Dr. Peds conquered it, since I had nothing to do with that.
Here are a few images to share:
Here are the kidlets dressing up like Voyageurs.