Art by Mr. Sneaky Pants

He was grumpy with me because I would not let him root around in Ya Ya’s gigantic cardboard creation mess that was taking up all of the office floor (she was building a series of 3-D store front property around a cardboard “block” so he begrudgingly agreed to make this shape collage. He ended up making his own little business district. On the left you will find the flower shop, and on the far right you will find the candy shop. In the middle, however, is the city cannonball shooter, which is shooting yellow cannon balls up into the air. They fly all the way up to the moon, which is the brown circle at the top right of the page. Leave it to Mr. SP to include a city cannonball shooter right in between two nicely established businesses. He is true to his own vision of the world ALL the time. It never ceases to amaze me.
After he finished the shape collage, he decided grouchily to make a button collage of a rocketship and alien monster. He was out of sorts about this project because I said he couldn’t make a 3D rocket ship because the cardboard mess would get into the cardboard mess already on the floor. Ya Ya left strict instructions for no one to get into her cardboard mess because she was gone at a friend’s house during the afternoon, and I just didn’t want to deal with a mixed up mess of mess. So, he scowled as he glued on all the buttons, but he really does love that button jar, and even more, he really loves running his own squeeze bottle of school glue.