Sunday Evening at the Rocky Beach

It was a beautiful evening, with welcome sunshine after a few rainy days (we needed rain, but it’s always nice when the sun comes back out, too). We loaded up the van with the kidlets, my camera and Dr. Peds threw in some food and charcoal. He cooked supper while the kidlets climbed rocks. Of course, Ya Ya and Mr. Sneaky Pants were soaked within 10 minutes. The Banana was only wet from the knees down. She’s so much more cautious.
There are only three more days left of second grade, and on these pictures, Ya Ya really looks like a third grader to me. Specifically, she looks uncannily similar to my former third grade self. I think it might have something to do with the extra large front teeth next to missing teeth (although my extra large front teeth were seriously crooked, while hers are not).
For the record, that giant jug of “juice” The Banana was chugging down was 97% diluted Gatorade, and I stopped her from drinking the whole jug (which she would have done without question) to avoid a nasty accident in the middle of the night. The Gatorade is left over from the Memorial Day trip to the cabin.