Evening Swimming Lessons

During the month of June, all three kidlets are taking swimming lessons Monday through Thursday in the evenings. It is a very big deal for Mr. Sneaky Pants and The Banana. Mr. Sneaky Pants had swimming lessons in the fall and was quite the little fish. He was supposed to be five years old to take lessons, but I snuck him in before his fifth birthday and he zoomed right through the first level. He was excited to finally be able to start because he’d spent his whole life watching Ya Ya take lessons and waiting that half hour while she was in the pool and he was not was absolutely excruciating. The Banana, too, has been tagging along to Ya Ya’s swimming lessons since she was an infant. Many weeks I’d have her strapped to my back and I’d be bouncing away in the parent section, trying to keep her happy in the hot and humid pool environment.
This past winter the university started offering swimming lessons for preschoolers, and The Banana was beyond thrilled to be included. It is the highlight of her life right now. She wakes up and chooses which swimsuit to wear and then carries it around ALL day asking me when it is time for swimming every fifteen minutes. She loves her swimming teacher with an amazing level of adoration. She talks about what she does in swimming lessons all the time, and although Dr. Peds has been taking them to lessons this week, I hear that she is just a motormouth at lessons and tells her teacher EVERYTHING.
Mr. Sneaky Pants is super excited to be “really learning to swim” in level 2, which means that he is learning to do the front glide and the front crawl. He got a pair of goggles today, which was thrilling.
We’ve never tried evening lessons before, but morning lessons didn’t work out with the schedule this month. Evenings are working out much better than I anticipated. I was a bit nervous because evenings are typically NOT a fun time around our house. The kidlets come home, jump in the shower, have a bite to eat and clean up a bit, and then they are off to bed. You wouldn’t believe how well they’ve been sleeping (and eating). It’s pretty amazing. You also wouldn’t believe how much laundry I’ve been doing. Towels, towels, towels and swimsuits too.
One Comment
Grandma Gin
Sounds like a whole lot of fun. Glad it is working out so well in the evening.