Driving the Mama Bus
The past few weeks have been a little crazy here. Everyone is going in different directions all the time, so I have a lot of spontaneous shifts driving the Mama Bus worked into my usual teaching schedule. I take this kidlet here. I get that kidlet from there. I take the next kidlet to another place. La de da! I underestimated this task of parenting, and I’ve been able to avoid it for a long time. But, I fear, gone are the days of me going two or three days in a row without driving anywhere, which used to be a big perk of working at home: never leaving home. I’ve never been a person who likes to be out and about very much. I’m quite happy if I can keep the trips away from home to one outing or less a day. So, I’m trying to be friends with my heated seat (I love my heated seat!) and my steering wheel, and sometimes I’m succeeding in doing that without grouching.