Science Night

Science night is a big night at our elementary school, not to be missed!  Mr. TOF and The Banana were excited to see what the science students at UMD brought this year, and they did not disappoint.  I am continually impressed with the great job the science students do each year engaging kids in hands on activities and experiments.  They build rockets to launch in a corner of the gym, froze flowers with liquid nitrogen (always fun) created electrical currents, held cockroaches, watched all sorts of chemical reactions, learned all sorts of interesting things about physics, matched bones on a skeleton and learned what they did, discovered how muscles move bones, and best of all, they got to poke their fingers into the arteries and veins in a deer heart and see real sheep eyeballs and how the nerves and muscles worked and what the back of the sheep eye looked like inside.  (So shiny and iridescent!) Mr. TOF was my buddy for the night, and he did not miss a station.  He was totally into it and loved doing everything.

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