Sharing a Few Images of the Iowa Cousins
Things got busy around here, and I didn't get around to posing pictures from our visit with my nieces in Iowa a few weeks ago. Although we were not able to be at their house long, we had a wonderful time watching movies together, playing with their new giant black bunny (a house bunny) named Pepper, playing at the park and being silly, very, very silly.
This is Madison. She's always silly.
Madison and The Banana stuck together like glue. Madison loved mothering The Banana. The Banana liked the attention. Ya Ya was a bit perplexed why The Banana was such a novelty. Madison even tried to dress The Banana up in doll clothes. They didn't fit. Ya Ya thought this was pretty ridiculous.
We took a tour of the area playgrounds, four with the distance of just a couple blocks. There was much craziness and so much fun. You an see a few more playground images over at the photography blog.
Janzie had just recently had her tonsils out, so she was a bit more under the weather than usual. Isn't she pretty, though? She looks a lot like Aunte Dot.
My Able-To-Fix-Anything-Under-The-Sun brother-in-law, Bryan, was working on revamping a lawnmower the afternoon we were visiting. Sure enough, he got it going, and the trio had big plans of taking that hunk of machinery for a spin.
It was interesting. Oh, so interesting.